Perfect Chaos (Unyielding #1) by Nashoda Rose

Perfect Chaos - Nashoda Rose

Book – Perfect Chaos (Unyielding #1)
Author – Nashoda Rose

Publication Date – November 24, 2014
Genre –Romance/Semi Dark
Type – Character Series
Cliffhanger - No
Rating – 4.25 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary Copy generously provided for Release Blitz in exchange for an honest review.





I lie to survive. 

Have since I was sixteen and my world fell into chaos. But I found a way to endure, or rather it found me. Now I’m a prisoner of my own doing, hiding behind a false mask so no one sees the truth. Not even the man I want but can’t have—Deck. But I messed up and the lies are spilling over, out of control. 

Deck is unrelenting and will settle for nothing less than the truth. He demands everything from me—EVERYTHING—even if it rips me apart.


I kill for a living.

Unyielding—It’s how I survive in my line of work. I bend people to my will…except Georgie.
But that ends now.
I've played her game for far too long. Now I think it's time we play mine.

My Thoughts - Story
After reading Ms. Rose’s Tear Asunder series, she had a fan in me.  So anything she releases…my hands are all over it.  We met Georgie and Deck in the Tear Asunder series and their story was set up for us.  After reading the back story of these  two, I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on this!



The most important thing I loved about this book is the dual POV – I loved looking into Deck’s mind about his feelings for Georgie!


Definitely not what I was expecting..a bit more dark than I originally thought but I LOVED how deep we got to travel into Georgie’s psyche.  Shit..I really do want to delve into it here but if you haven’t read the book – I don’t want to spoil what is hidden behind her drinking, self-destructive ways.



With this book – it opens up a whole new set of stories with the members of Deck’s crew! Holy Hotness Hitman!!


Georgie has always wanted Deck but he doesn’t have the time of day for her besides keeping her out of trouble.  She loves him unconditionally but for years she has lived with a secret that keeps her from taking her feelings any further.



Dive into the hidden life of Georgie and Deck while they figure out what is going on around them and how to escape the underground circuit that holds each their lives in danger.


Reason for Reading – Release Blitz
Story – 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Steam – 4 out of 5 Stars
Angst – 4 out of 5 Stars
Writing – 5 out of 5 Stars
Content Flow – 4 out of 5 Stars

Told In – Dual POV

Heroine/Personality – Georgie – independent but sometimes stupid – little frustrating

Hero/Personality – Deck – alpha male and can be VERY frustrating
HEA (Spoiler) - [spoiler]Yes[/spoiler]
Would Read More from Author? DEFINITELY
Recommend To – anyone who loves suspense with a tad of darkness