Dead of Winter by Daryl Banner

Book – Dead of Winter (The Beautiful Dead #2)
Author – Daryl Banner
Publication Date – November 6, 2014
Genre –Fantasy/Post Apocalyptic/Romance
Type – Part of Series
Cliffhanger – Kind Of
Rating – 4.75 out of 5 Stars
Complimentary Copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
No one said being an Undead is easy.
Winter’s Second Life became a lot more complicated when the Living moved into her hometown of Trenton. Undead neighbors fight with their Breathing ones. Food is sparse. And, worst of all, the season is taking a change for the colder.
A desperate plea for help to a neighboring city turns deadly and soon Winter finds herself facing an old friend from her past whose plot to annihilate all life on the planet may have everything to do with her.
And what about the man-with-the-heartbeat in her house? Is there even room for love in such a ruined, unforgiving world?
New friends are made. Others are lost forever. In the dead of winter, no one is safe.
My Thoughts - Story
Holy Shit…were my parting thoughts as I finished the last page…That ending…the last part of the book…I swear I was reading something from one of the great poets – The words…the imagery ---- the tightening of my heart – the tears forming in my eyes – the love bursting through – the hope – the elation – HOLY FUCK…just being in Winter’s shoes…her dedication and love – how in world could anyone ever question whether she was alive or dead – her soul must still be holding on to her.
OK…I’m sidetracking here…back to Mr. Banner. I bow before you almighty Daryl Banner….you have done it again. Something I didn’t think possible. Yeah, I’m sorry…I didn’t get back to you – you tried to tell me that you wanted to send me a copy and I let Real Life get in the way…(BAD CAROL – BAD CAROL) – I’m smacking myself for you…I should have listened to you and took the ARC immediately. I devoured this book – I loved having Megan, John, Hel and the rest of the gang all back again…plus we meet some new savory characters in this one also!
Now…you are probably wondering or asking why I didn’t rate this a full 5 stars? I think it had to do with the beginning…they way John acted toward Winter and I did find the beginning a bit slow (sorry don’t beat me master). Ohhhh…and don’t forget that you had me sobbing in work…UGH
Annnnddddd….a little more taken off the top because you left me wanting more again. I just know you are going to write another one…Winter and John’s story is not finished yet…..along with Grimsky! Hmmmm? Get those fingers exercising Mr. Banner and this time…don’t take my silence as an answer!
It’s been about 6 months since Trenton fought against the Deathless….Living and Undead together co-existing in a somewhat harmony. The gangs all back but all is not quiet in the town of Trenton…there is a wall of fire not too far off…the humans need food…John and Winter need to figure out what is going on between them…and after Grims release…what is he up to now?
We follow Winter as she tries to figure out what this fire means along with keeping peace in Trenton. There are new friends…new threats and the ultimate sacrifice one has to make.
Reason for Reading – Author Request
Story – 5 out of 5 Stars
Steam – N/A
Angst – 4 out of 5 Stars
Writing – 5 out of 5 Stars
Content Flow – 4 out of 5 Stars
Told In – Winter’s POV
Heroine/Personality – Winter…God how I love this gal!!
Hero/Personality – John…kinda frustrating in the beginning…but turns it all around to be special in my book!
HEA (Spoiler) - Don’t know really
Would Read More from Author? DEFINITELY
Recommend To – anyone who loves not just a great fantasy…but life lessons that really make you think.