Camo & Roses by Amanda Springer

Camo & Roses - Amanda Springer

Book – Camo & Roses

Author – Amanda Springer
Publication Date – February 20, 2015
Genre – Romance

Type – Stand Alone
Cliffhanger - No
Rating – 3.75 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary Copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.



"What's Mr. Perfect look like?" 
"Tall, dark and handsome," she joked knowing that the description was what most women were attracted to. 
"So you want someone like James," he said. 
"What?!" she asked immediately turning to look at him. "No," she said. Silently looking out the truck window for a few seconds she wondered why her grandpa would bring up his name. "No, why would you say that?" she asked turning back to look at him. 
"Well, you described him." Her grandpa thought that her reaction when he brought up James's name was quite funny. 
"I've never thought about him that way," she said checking her makeup in the visor mirror. Folding the visor back up she wondered if her grandpa was wanting to talk boys in general or if he was wanting to talk about James Hawkins. 
"Why not? He's a good man," her grandpa said pointing out the obvious. 
"He's Chase's friend. He's off limits. No matter how good of a man, or how cute or smart or sweet...," her voice began to drift off. Shaking her head, she realized that she could have kept going, but this conversation was now over. Narrowing her eyes she briefly looked at her grandpa. She had just voluntarily said more about James than she had ever told anyone. "James is off limits," she sternly said out loud.

My Thoughts - Story
This was a cute story about a girl and a boy who have been friends since childhood. I enjoyed reading about a friendship that turns into a romance.



I liked the way that James could go away for a tour and not talk to Taylor for a long time and how they connect as soon as they are together. I also enjoyed both of their POV on how they were feeling about each other.


It did seem at times drawn out and the anticipation of the two of them finally stepping over the boundaries made me frustrated. I wanted to bang their heads together and knock some sense into them!




Taylor’s best friend James has been in her life since the beginning of time.  Growing up, it was always Taylor, James and Chase, Taylor’s brother and James’ best friend.


As the two get older, James realizes that it has always been Taylor and he wants more than just friendship. He wants a life with her but something stands in his way. That something is Chase – Chase wants a better life for his sister than to be with a military man.



Taylor on the other hand has had relationships but none of them measure up to James and it isn’t until their twenties that they both realize that it’s more important for them to proceed with their love for each other instead of following Chase’s rules.

Reason for Reading – Author Request

Story Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

Steam Rating – 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Angst Rating – 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Writing Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

Content Flow Rating – 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Told in – Dual POV


Would Read More from Author? Yes

Recommend To – Readers who enjoy a sweet story with low angst