Spin (Songs of Corruption #1) by C.D. Reiss

Spin (Songs of Corruption #1) - C.D. Reiss

Book – Spin (Songs of Corruption #1)

Author – C.D. Reiss

Publication Date – March 12, 2014

Type – Part of Series

Genre – Romance, Erotica

Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars


Complimentary Copy kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.



***You do NOT need to read Songs of Submission to read Spin***

Mafia capo, Antonio Spinelli blew through my orderly life like a cyclone.

Gorgeous and passionate, with a breathtaking brutality, he put me under his spell the moment he touched me, drawing me into his underworld of risk, violence and betrayal.

And I found, just as this sophisticated savage didn’t trust me, I didn’t trust myself. Something happened to me. Some alchemy from the heat between us.

I discovered I was a savage, too..



Yes….*hiding in shame….it took me 9 days to get my feelings in line in order to review this book by Ms. Reiss.  I don’t know why after finishing this book – my mind drew a blank – I have been reading the reviews and it can go either way…..I think you can either LOVE LOVE LOVE it…..or HATE HATE HATE it. 





I fall in between and NOOOO I’m not being a pussy and calling “Switzerland” – I honestly didn’t fall in love with it….and I didn’t hate it…..I can’t even say that I “liked” it.  Huh?  OK….show of hands…..how many are you are confused now??  I know I fucking am!  Where I stand with this book is in between like and love….yeah, I know you are saying to yourselves right now…”Now why didn’t she just fucking say that in the beginning?”  Huh….if you know me….then you also know that isn’t in my genetic make-up.


There was a minor problem I had with the book which consisted of the entertainment industry slang…I had to keep going to Google to search for information which I felt took a bit away from the story.  I know this is just the set-up book to the main story and I understand we need this information in order to get a grasp in what is to come….so I’m just sweeping that discrepancy under the carpet.



It is true that you don’t need to read the series Songs of Submission in order to grasp this book, but…..it was so cool how the two stories ran parallel to each other and how we got a glimpse into SoS again!  Well done Ms. Reiss!


I think one of the major characteristics of Ms. Reiss’ writing is her use of the figurative language ---- we started a group thread while reading this for the blog…and one of my comments consisted of:


“I have to say that I am captivated by Ms. Reiss' use of the figurative speech...she smoothly and fluidly dishes out metaphors and similes that make the story flow and the descriptions flourish!”



I do have to mention that between the six of us girls at StarAngels’ Reviews….it was an even split – 3 of us were in favor of the book….while the other 3 stopped at about ½ way in.  This is one of the reasons why I love reviewing and having the freedom to voice my opinions and listen to the opposing thoughts while coming up with my own interpretation of the story.



This series revolves around Theresa Drazen who was introduced in the SoS series and Antonio Spinelli.  We start out the book where Theresa is still devastated over her recent break-up with her fiancé and feels that she will never be able to move on from him.



Well, that is until she sets her eyes on Antonio and her heart stops beating ------ he is captivated by this man and can’t get him out of her mind.  Especially once Antonio starts pushing into her day to day life so we know he feels the same way about Theresa.  She tries to dodge him, she tries to find out his secrets and wants to know who this mystery man is made up of.


They both try to fight the forces which bring them together – Antonio knows that he has the power to destroy the goodness in Theresa and Theresa knows there is something deadly about Antonio.  Are they better off apart or does fate have a different plan for them?




When you read this, try to remember that this is the “set-up” for the books to come in this series….over information will be useful in the future!