Number 13 by Bella Jewel

Number Thirteen - Bella Jewel

Book – Number Thirteen

Author – Bella Jewel

Publication Date – March 19, 2014

Type – Stand Alone

Genre – Romance, New Adult

Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars


Complimentary copy kindly provided by author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.




**AUTHOR NOTE - This is NOT a BDSM Romance**

We're thirteen girls, captive, slave to our master. 

A master we've never seen.

Obedience will become all we know in our shallow existence. It is the only emotion we're permitted to feel.

When we're bad, we're punished. When we're good, we're rewarded. 

Our scars run deep. Yet we survive, because we have to... 

because HE teaches us to.

All of us are special, we feel it with everything we are.
He has us for a reason, but it's a reason we don't know.
We've never seen his face, but we know that something deeply broken lies beneath the darkness. With every touch, with every punishment, we know it. 

Then something changed. 
He showed me who he truly is.
Now I want him.
I'll go against everything I know to be with him. 

A monster. 

My monster. 

Loving him is a sin, but a sinner I am. I won't stop until I see every part of him. Even the parts he keeps locked deep down inside. 

I am Number Thirteen, and this is my story.




I feel that I keep writing these reviews stating that I am the only one who keeps making it through these books – and yet again….4 of us started and only 1 of us survived.  Can you guess who?  Duh…that’s a stupid question to ask you, knowing that it is I who is typing this review.



In fact this time – I am the minority in my circle of GR buddies that enjoyed the book and really understood the message of the story the author was trying to convey.


Maybe it wasn’t dark enough?  Maybe it was more of a romance than a story about sex slaves and captives?  Maybe it was because it was a story of about second chances in life and learning how to survive?



I was conned – by the Prologue and the cover – I honestly thought that William was a monster not just physically but emotionally also and his goal was to hurt this 13 captives.


I enjoyed the whole book until we got to the end… cleaned up too easily and quickly.  I understand the whole reason why the author wanted to show the girls being out in the real world without inside help….but did it have to end that way? 



Could it maybe have ended with 13 being separated from the other 12 while they make their way back to William and he is devastated – he goes to search her out and finds her beaten or hurt and then confesses his love?  I don’t know…I think I’m just getting too sappy in my old age. 

(show spoiler)